This is not a mental healthcare platform

TL;DR: Sanity by Tanmoy does not offer mental health services of any kind, or make therapist or psychiatrist recommendations. Nothing here can be construed as professional mental health advice. Please talk to a qualified professional if you need help.

Sanity by Tanmoy is not in the business of nor intends to provide counselling or any other form of mental health service to anyone accessing its content, either on this website or via distribution elsewhere. Nothing published under the brand Sanity by Tanmoy is intended to be professional mental health advice.

None of the professionals, websites and other resources owned by these professionals, or help information cited anywhere on Sanity by Tanmoy are employed by, associated with, or endorsed by it. Sanity by Tanmoy does not make any recommendation or guarantee service or quality of any professional or organisation or helpline number or website/resource cited here.

The professionals and the organisations responsible for the cited websites, resources, and help information are independent third parties. There is no principal-agent or employer-employee relationship or partnership of any nature between them and Sanity by Tanmoy. Sanity by Tanmoy disclaims all liability of all nature arising out of reliance placed on any of these parties.

Nothing on Sanity by Tanmoy is intended to malign or defame any person, organisation, caste, or community. Opinions expressed by freelance writers or artists are their own.

Mental health is intensely personal, hence the opinions and insights contained in the stories here may not apply to your specific context. Please talk to a qualified professional if you need help.