🎁 Collector's edition: the sanest listicle of 2021

🎁 Collector's edition: the sanest listicle of 2021

Ten collectible quotes from 10 stories that made me cry and smile and kept me sane.

Tanmoy Goswami

'Tis the time for giddy 'best of the year' lists. And though my aversion for lists and -icles is well known, I couldn't resist giving in just this one time.

So here's my year-end gift for you: an album of 10 collectible quotes from 10 stories I wrote this year that made me cry and smile and kept me sane. Enjoy. Keep them close. And I will see you next year.

PS: If you are new to this site, you can read all these stories by simply creating a free account with your email ID. And if you like what you see, please consider becoming a paying supporter.

"Medicine and psychiatry are about liberty, not just freedom from symptoms but liberation of the unfree mind."

READ: Can abolishing psychiatry and policing save the world?

"Depression land has many lores, none more frightening than the tale of the broken parent passing on their brokenness to their progeny."

LISTEN: "When can I have your medicines, papa?"

"How can we expect people who have always eaten differently to perform all the same in life?"

READ: The miracle that stops people from killing themselves

"Hope isn’t an emotion, you know? Hope is not optimism. Hope is a discipline… we have to practice it every single day.

READ: Five ideas to live by in hopeless times
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"The words we receive in the spaces meant to heal us, call them diagnosis or validation, are maps meant to help us find our way when we are lost."

READ: Why we name our demons

"I want to sync my grief with my Google Calendar. I want to 'decline invite' when an unfamiliar grief wants in."

READ: Cybergrief has no unsubscribe button

"Not all runners are Olympians. Suffering is suffering."

READ: What Sanity readers are dreaming of

"Human beings don't need to understand each other to do the right thing."

READ: Down with empathy

"Inequality is a monster that is awakened every time we exchange a set of code words with each other: 'This is how your world has to be, because I decided so.'"

READ: Exorcism

"You make love to yourself, and then, after weeks, months, or years of gestation, in a burst of pain and mess, you deliver a new you."

READ: How to give birth to yourself

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